Welcome to Bones_0fficial's scrap yard!!

I made this website just for goofs

Soooo, this website is EXTREMELY unfinished. More is to come :) I have never touched HTML or even coding for that matter so please forgive me if stuff does not seem right, I'm learning as I create this website Lol.


A bit about me until the website looks genuinely nice and pretty. *Oooh*

My name is Bones! I'm about to graduate high school and I made this site two years ago cause I was bored and wanted to learn coding. I have always wanted to make a website and share my art work and thoughts (I yap a lot). I don't really update this site a lot, not cause I'm disinterested but it's cause I have a hectic schedule IRL. If you wanna follow along to see the process of this site, please! Follow me! :]